Monday, June 11, 2012

Blogging Schedule

Hi All!

I hope that everyone is having a great summer so far! I have been here in Pittsburgh- taking organic chemisty (ew) and working as a summer RA in fairfax.

I know that before school ended, we talked about the summer reading but didn't actually make any concrete plans. Now that the summer is (quickly) moving along, I wanted to set some expectations for the reading. Here's what I'm thinking:

The book is divided into 9 different parts. I'd like everyone to choose one story from within 8 different part to write a short blog entry about. This entry should tie the reading back to one of the first year outcomes (I'll email everyone another copy of these shortly) in such a way that we can think about the reading in a Student Life Context. In order to help us not procratinate the reading, here's a schedule:

June 20th- July 11th--> 3 book posts/1 post to update us on your summer.
July 11th-August 1st--> 3 book posts/1 post to update us on your summer.
August 1st- August 15th--> 2 book posts

It is definitely fine to post about the same reading as another person but make sure you bring your own new and unique ideas to the table. Also, please feel free to comment on everyone's posts and get some dailogue going. Once we are back for training, we'll go back through our posts as a way to stimulate more discussions about the book. For now, we're just trying to get into an RA mindset.

Hope this sounds ok to everyone! Please let me know if you have any questions.


First Post!

Testing this blogging tool. This may or may not actually be working...