Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Part 3: "Getting Our Gaze Back," by Rose Marie Berger

The author Rose Marie Berger in her essay "Getting Our Gaze Back," Berger focuses on the view from outside her window, and how she spends time appreciating and daydreaming of the scene.  Berger compares the mundane aspects of her work and computer screen with the break she experiences when looking out the window.  Additionally, she explores the value of daydreaming as a way to sort through data in one's head.  Overall, Berger really discusses the importance of taking a break in between the regular parts of a person's schedule.

The message of this essay is very applicable to the role of being an RA in many ways.  The first is that being in RA is a very consuming job, and at the same time, we have a lot of other important tasks to get done throughout the school year, whether projects and homework, clubs and activities, or whatever else may be on our schedule's.  It is often important to make sure to take some time out to "gaze out our windows," and take a short break.  These breaks can actually make be better because we have an opportunity to rest our brains and think about something else for a change.  Working as a counselor right now, I've come to realize how much it's necessary to take a few moments for yourself here and there.  If I had to constantly run after my ninth grade campers every second of the day without a break, it would ultimately be detrimental to my ability to be a good counselor because I would get frustrated, upset, and just overworked.  Throughout the year, it's important to make sure you are constantly refreshing yourself so you can be your best.

Another way to look at this essay to is to recognize the importance of taking time to sort out information for ourselves and encouraging our residents to do the same.  Freshmen year can be incredibly overwhelming for many reasons, both socially and academically.  As RA's, we have already experienced this, and therefore, we can help our residents to learn to take breaks and help sort all the information they receive all the time.  This can be done in many ways, whether taking a trip to the strip, or having small events throughout the week, or encouraging them to daydream a bit.  An important part of this year will be to help our residents find balance in everything they do, including finding time for themselves.


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